Brooks and I returned yesterday from 5 days at the International Decorative Artisans League’s (IDAL) annual convention. We had such a fabulous time seeing old friends, making new friends, and learning new painting techniques and tips that we think every decorative artist should make this a “must attend” event. Here are my Top 9 Reasons to go the IDAL Convention.
1. It’s an inexpensive way to take classes from the top Artists in our profession.
Where else in the world can you pay travel expenses once and benefit from the instruction of the top talents in the decorative arts and faux finishing field? Brooks was able to take 3 different classes over three days and came home with about 10 new finished sample boards. The classes ranged from fine art ornamentation, to wood marquetry, cabinet refinishing, glitz and glittery wall finishes, to painting on canvas. There was something for everyone and most all were under $300. That’s a bargain in my book.

2. Learn about new products in the Expo.
The Expo is definitely my favorite part of the week. This is where Studios and Product Manufacturers display and sell. It’s a great place to learn about new products, see beautiful samples and watch product demos. The BIG exhibitor this year was Metropolis Ivas. They are launching their paint, plaster and texture products in the U.S. and they have recruited some of the top instructors in the industry to teach and roll out their products.

3. Add Samples to your Portfolio without taking classes.
I thought this was genius. We actually bought three gorgeous ready made sample boards from the Expo with detailed application instructions to add to our portfolio. All you do is follow the recipe to recreate the finish. Love this idea and also think it is a great revenue opportunity for the studios to sell these on their websites too. We picked up samples from Sheri Zeman and Kathy Carroll.

4. Meet your Facebook friends In Real Life (IRL)
I have made some great artist friends on Facebook over the last 5 years and it was amazing to meet them in real life. This happened over and over as we went through the week. Brooks Tucker was amazed at the number of people who knew us from our blog and through Facebook. Especially since he had never even been on Facebook (or read our blog) until this week. Guess who has a Facebook account now? Oh, and he also wanted me to make it clear that I (Dana) don’t do any painting. I am only the business/marketing person. Brooks is the sole artist in this operation. He said, “all those people think you paint”. Nope, never, nada. Never held a trowel in my life. Glad you guys love me anyway!

5. Sharing trade secrets over lunch and cocktails
I loved my artist lunches and cocktails during the week. I got advice on growing our business. Brooks got advice on how to turn cabinet jobs quicker. I was able to share some marketing advice with a few folks and Brooks was able to give some furniture and cabinet painting tips. Valuable connections were made over a grilled chicken salad and glass of chardonnay.

6. Being on the “inside” of the “inside jokes”
Lots of fun times and inside jokes were shared throughout the week. Loved being able to connect and laugh with this fabulously talented group.

7. Add Credibility to your business by being associated with IDAL
Being able to showcase new products and having the professional affiliation of our national organization adds credibility to your small business. By attending and participating in IDAL you are making an investment in the future of your business. That investment says, “I am NOT a fly by night operation” and “I am driven to bring you the best finishes our industry has to offer.” You are a part of a whole in a large internationally recognized group of brilliant talent.
8. You can deduct conference expenses from your taxes.
Get more info on allowable deductions HERE.
9. Next year’s IDAL Conference will be the biggest and BEST YET!
In 2014 IDAL is teaming up with the Concrete Decor Show and offering a dual conference. It will be held in Ft. Worth, TX September 29- October 3, 2014.
Brooks and I will be there next year. Will you? Leave us a comment. We’d love to hear from you.
My life changed quite a bit at the beginning of this year and I rededicated myself to my passion/business. I had missed quite a few IDAL conventions in the last years and promised myself to go this year. I did, and oh boy! Did it ever give me new inspiration and great ideas. I can honestly say that no singular event, save for my three boys, has ever had such an impact on me. Truly life changing. A real MUST for all of us in the art field to stay on top, re-energized, and maintaining and making friends for LIFE! Mets
I will be there with BELLS on, not only representing Ft. Worth, my home city, but because of those 9 FABULOUS REASONS!!! Thank you Dana for this excellent blog!
Mets you were truly one of my favorite people I met this year! I love your smile and positive attitude. Loved, loved meeting you. Thanks so much for the comment 🙂
Eva, thanks so much for the comment. I will see you in Ft. Worth. I’ve already got my cowboy boots. You’ll have to show us some home town boot scootin’. xoxo
Great Article…..We had an awesome time at IDAL this year….It was a great experience and wish that more people could have enjoyed it with us. But I sure did enjoy the FB friends that I finally saw face to face…you too Dana!!!
Cynthia we absolutely LOVE your patterned foils. Sad I didn’t get to spend more time with you and Bob. I did get a bag of foil samples though 🙂
First convention was 8 years ago, I had never known other artists in thge field, I remember vividly the new finishes and products I. Learned about.
I have since been to many conventions Idal and others, I look forward to meeting my close friends each year and recharging my creative battery at these events.
I agree with all that’s said above and would add that it is truly through Idal that I have made friends for life, traveled the world experiencing art internationally and explored the avian use of teaching.
It’s not just an organization, we are a family.
Love you all.
It was so nice to meet you and Brooks in person, Dana! Looking forward to seeing you both next year:)
well….you know I had to share this on the IDAL facebook page! You truly do “get” the purpose and mission statement of IDAL!
I am sad I didn’t get to meet you both! Maybe next year in FT Worth! Nice blog!
great post-well said….Can’t wait for our “reunion” next year!
This was my first convention and now I’m hooked for life!! Feeling so grateful having been surrounded by such awe-inspiring talent and an AMAZING group of people!!!
Arlene, loved meeting you! Thanks so much for the comment. You are right. It is a big family 🙂
Bonnie, Brooks adored your class. He keeps telling me what a great teacher you are. Thanks for inspiring him 🙂
Thanks so much Theresa! And thanks for all you do in volunteering your time and talent for all of us!
Sheri, it’s a date! Thanks for the comment 🙂
Lyna, LOVED meeting you. Can’t wait to work with you on designer education 🙂
John, I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for the comment 🙂
this was also my first convention but definitely never ever ever ever missing one again! I love the article you wrote Dana, you are spot on with your comments and observations! It was FANTASTIC to finally meet you and Brooks, wish we had more time to chat, you are as gracious and delightful and beautiful as I imagined! I love your blogs, your tips, your sharing and devotion to this industry, and Brooks, what can I say, you are THE man! Your work is inspirational and gorgeous! cant wait till next year! huge hugs!
Great blog post! I’m so SAD I missed this year. College visits with my daughter took precedence this year, and you are killing me with this reminder of everything I missed!!
Anna!!!!! Love you girl! So fantastic to meet you. Thanks for being our biggest cheerleader. You are even MORE beautiful in person, body and soul. xoxo
Susan, we miiiiiissssssseeedddd you!!!! But, guess what? You are nominated as president of our new Nashville IDAL chapter. Kathy Wear and I were planning and plotting. xoxo
This is perfect! I’m sharing this one for sure. I’m so surprised to learn that you don’t paint Dana! You and Brooks make such a great team. Loved seeing you again and getting to meet Mr. Darcy!
Julie, thanks so much for the comment. Great to see you. Thanks for all your hard work to make the convention happen!!
I’m not going to miss this next year…looking forward to meeting some of you that I follow on here = )
Dana Was great seeing you I am only sad I had to leave half way thru and miss visiting more with you and EVERYONE! I had a great time as usual Until next year everyone! Keep creating! xoxo
Sass, I didn’t get to spend nearly enough time with you. Definitely next year in Ft. Worth. Thanks for the comment 🙂
Dawn, can’t wait to meet you in person next year. Thanks for the comment 🙂
Fabulous recap of another great IDAL Convention, thank yoU! You are absolutely right that IDAL Conventions are a win/win and a great value to learn from so many industry talents under one roof with the bonus of meeting and making lifelong friends :). Wonderful blog!
See ya’ll for sure at next year’s 2014 IDAL in Ft. Worth … just an hour from my Texas home. 🙂
Susan (a.k.a. Jersey Girl on the ‘Faux Forum’)
Susan, thanks so much for the comment. Hope to meet you in Ft. Worth next year 🙂