Over 8 years ago when I first started blogging and showcasing the decorative painting work we were doing I had a dream of being featured on a national website. That dream came true in December when our home was featured on Apartment Therapy. I was introduced to the writer and photographer through a mutual friend. She was fantastic! She made our house look amazing. It was an overall great experience and the fulfillment of a dream. That is until the comments started rolling in on the feature. It turns out that Apartment Therapy has a reputation for having some pretty mean commenters. They lived up to their reputation on our home’s feature. In A.T.’s defense, they did delete some of the worst ones. (THANK YOU!)

Brooks and I are still extremely proud to have been featured and the haters can’t take that away. We’d love for you to go over and check it out. If you feel so inclined, please leave a comment. We’ve grown thick skin. Well, I have. Brooks is still an artist and that means he’s pretty adverse to criticism of his art. Ha!
Many, many THANKS to Monique, our photographer and Apartment Therapy for the feature. We couldn’t be more happy with how it turned out. It’s been a blessed year for features on our home. If you haven’t seen them yet we were also recently featured on Southern Hospitality, UnSkinny Boppy, Front Porch Ideas, Parties for Pennies, The Decorologist and The Altered Past
Stay tuned. We have another HUGE FEATURE coming up in March. Can’t wait to share that with you too. You guys are the best!
I’ve always thought your home was amazing Dana. And a true testament to the love and care that parents put into the home for their children’s happiness as well. It’s a beautiful home, inside and out, just like the family that lives there!
Thanks Gina!! 🙂 🙂
Yay for y’all Dana and Brooks! Your house is lovely and the two of you do great things for our decorative finishing community!
Thanks Sarah!!! So are you and Mets!!! xoxo
Dana, that’s AWESOME! And what a gorgeous space. 🙂
Thanks Angie!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your home. Funny to see the criticism on the open frames. I’ve seen that a couple if times and really love the look. I guess people all have different opinions. Not everything speaks to everyone and that’s what is so great about this world, we are all different. But I do like your home and enjoyed the tour. Sorry some people were abrasive!
Thanks so much for your comment!! I’m glad you enjoyed the tour. Thanks for the defense on the frames. I really like them 🙂
Your dream came true? No, in my opinion, all of your hard works paid off. I am happy for you about being featured on Apartment Therapy. Your house is beautiful and well organized. You have a good taste, Dana.