Bella Tucker is a collaborative partnership of husband and wife team Brooks (chief painter, creative talent and artist) and Dana (interior design & client relations) Tucker.
We launched this business in 2006 as a faux finish painting company. Right at the end of the Tuscan- faux painting era. Our customers were beginning to transition away from the warm, glazed finishes into every shade of gray (and white). We were painting a fair amount of furniture at the time which naturally starting leading us into getting requests to paint kitchen cabinets. We approached that first set of cabinets with careful study of proper preparation and products. We wanted to make sure that we were executing a finish that would stand the test of time. We continue to study and network with custom cabinet refinishers across the country. We are constantly refining our processes so we can provide our clients with the finest paint finish, an organized worksite, great customer service, and expert design and color advice.
Kitchens, Kitchens, Kitchens
That first set of kitchen cabinets in 2007 has led to to over 300 kitchen cabinet painting projects to date. Kitchens are our main focus. In 2017 we started offering full service kitchen design and project management. If you need help pulling your kitchen remodel together. We’d love to help. For more info- CLICK HERE.
So, who are we?
Brooks Tucker is a 6th generation Texan born into a Navy family.

As a teenager he spent several years in Italy and travelled extensively throughout Europe. He attended college at Southwest Texas where he discovered a talent for singing and entertaining. He moved to Nashville with wife Dana in 1997 and pursued a music career. In 2002, their 2 year old twins were diagnosed with autism. Brooks stayed home with the children full time to manage their therapies and education. All the while he was experimenting with paint colors and textures in his own home. After seeing the amazing finishes he was creating in his own home friends and family started requesting Brooks to paint for them as well. He launched Faux Daddy Designs in 2006. He has continued to study under accomplished artisans throughout his career. He is talented, creative, and tidy. Due to a quirkiness jokingly self diagnosed as obsessive compulsive disorder, he always leaves his work space WAY cleaner than what he found it. As a matter of fact, he will clean it before he starts a project, each day when he leaves, and then when he is finished. Our clients LOVE that!

After 4 1/2 years of taking classes that sounded interesting and didn’t include much math, Dana Tucker graduated from Western Kentucky University. Towards the end of her tenure there she discovered that she could bundle up all of her credits that really didn’t point towards any specific major and walk out the door with a Bachelor of General Studies, so that is exactly what she did. She parlayed that degree into a 20 + year career in advertising and marketing. All the while, she was studying and practicing the principles of interior design. First, in their own home and for friends and eventually for clients as well.
She manages the day to day operations of Bella Tucker including estimating, color consultation and interior design services. She holds it all together by having a very strong faith, awesome support system and a lot of self administered interior design therapy.
Brooks and Dana are the proud parents of 18 year old twins with autism that require a very hands on approach for their schooling and medical care.
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