I’ve had my eye on this outdoor sectional since my friend, Nancy purchased it about 5 years ago.

I have many great memories of lounging on this furniture around her pool. Brooks and I have been undergoing a major backyard renovation these last several months including the installation of a new flagstone patio. Since most of our budget went into building the patio, I had to get creative about how to fill the space with furniture. This is where Nancy’s Pottery Barn Chesapeake Outdoor sectional comes into the story. Nancy wanted Brooks to do some painting for her. She was ready for an update to her outdoor space and offered her sectional as a trade. I jumped right on it, because I saw the potential. Brooks wasn’t quite so sure that this was a fair trade. Maybe because A) He had to do all the painting at Nancy’s B) He had to pick it up from her house and deliver it to our house and C) It needed A LOT OF WORK. Sometimes it takes Brooks a little while to catch on to my vision, but he gave me the benefit of the doubt.
This is what the sectional looked like when we got it.

The wood was weathered. The cushions were mildewed. I knew it could be rehabbed with a little elbow grease and perseverance. It started with an internet search for cleaning outdoor furniture cushions. I really couldn’t find anything that was helpful, so I decided to come up with my own recipe. It started with wetting the cushions with the hose. Next I sprayed a solution of 75% bleach and 25% water onto the mildewed spots. I waited about 10 minutes and then sprayed them again. Next, I took a bar of Fels Naptha soap and rubbed it all over the cushions and rubbed and scrubbed with a scrub brush.

Then, I hosed the cushions down and let them dry. Once dry they still had mildew stains. So, next I sprayed the bleach solution directly on the mildew spots on the dry cushions and left them in the sun for about 30 minutes and the mildew stains disappeared. YAHOO!! I then rinsed again with the hose and let them dry. After they dried, I sprayed them with Scotch Guard for outdoor fabrics because I hope I NEVER have to do all this work again.

While I was working on the cushions, Brooks was working on the frame.

He brushed on a heavy coat of Stain and Seal in Rich Brown . The wood soaked it up. We put the cushions back on and Voila, we had a pretty presentable rehabbed outdoor sofa.

I love working with Brooks on projects like this. It forces both of us to use our brains, muscle and creativity. We put in about 12 hours working on this sofa and neither of us could walk for two days after 🙂

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If you are wondering what my friend Nancy had to say about the transformation, and I quote: “I’m never giving you anything again”. You really have to know her to appreciate the comment because here she is enjoying herself like I know she will be all summer 🙂

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That is a great accomplishment Dana!
Outdoor wicker patio furniture – Madbury Road
Great job fixing up that patio sectional. It looks good as new!
I purchased a Chesapeake table , eight chairs, chaise lounge buffet table and two small side tables. I would like to refinish it but I’m not sure what stain to purchase. You did an amazing job. You sectional looks amazing!!
We used Modern Masters Stain & Seal. You might want to try Sherwin Williams Deckskapes. That should be very durable. Good luck.
Are your cushions white?? Mine are a very light cream color so not sure if the 75/25 bleach solutions would ruin them. What are your thoughts?
Amanda, our cushions were light cream. We applied the bleach solution over the entire cushion and it brightened them up. It didn’t ruin them. Good luck.
I have the same PB sectional and I just ordered the stain and seal to refinish mine. Did you sand before using stain and seal? Also was the fels napta good at removing stains or did the bleach solution do that? Mine is stained but does not have mold or mildew. So glad I found this site! Thanks for sharing!
Yes, I would lightly sand then clean and let dry then apply the stain and seal. I really think it was the bleach solution and letting it dry in the hot sun that removed the stains and mildew. Good luck with your set. 🙂 Those cushions are super expensive.
I have this sectional also, and have been considering a similar rehab to the wood. Thanks for the inspiration. I have the same cushions as well, and every spring I simply zip off the covers and put them in the washing machine (with a mix of detergent, white vinegar, and oxy) and they’re ready for a new season of use.
Dana- I am so happy to have found this. I have the entire set of this PB furniture and the paint is peeling so bad, there is no choice for me but to try to re-stain. I have made several trips to Sherwin Williams asking for help as to which product to use. Did you use Modern Masters Stain & Seal in rich brown? The product that is on the PB website, I tried…..it was very watery compared to what is on my furniture, which seems to be more of a paint? I was considering sanding, using primer then re-painting with actual paint. I wanted to try out to you before I continue and just double check that the stain in your blog is what you used?
Yes, we used the MM Stain & Seal in Rich Brown. Good luck!!
Hello, I am so glad i have found this -In september I held a party, and I forgot to put the cushions away, which are my mums’, leaving them out all winter. When you say 75% bleach 25% water is that just every day cleaning bleach?
Yes. Everyday bleach. Good luck.
so excited to find this post a few years later! How is your sectional holding up now? I also bought this beautiful set only to have the paint peel and look terrible after 2 summers. I bought the recommended Sherwin Williams stain but as the other user commented it was a totally different product, very thin and watery vs the paint like finish. Did you have to sand down to bare wood? Also the link in your article links to fauxstore.com….I cant find “modern masters” anywhere on the site but there is a stain and seal product called Rich brown…is this what you used?
REALLY hoping this works for my set because I spent good money a few years back!
We actually got rid of this sectional last summer. It was in an outdoor area that wasn’t covered. I got tired of the cushions always being icky. Here is a link to the product: https://fauxmarketplace.netlou-secure.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=672
You only need to do a light sanding. Then apply the stain. Best of luck to you.
I have this Chesapeake Pottery barn set and mine is many years old and peeling badly. Fortunately, my cream cushions have removable covers. Twice a year, I remove and wash them in hot water with detergent and bleach after spot cleaning them with Max Force Spray and Wash. They usually come out clean! And mine always have heavy mildew before I launder them.
I am thrilled to see there is hope for my set as far as painting them. I love it but it definitely is a set that needs some maintenance.