Have you ever received one of THOSE emails? You know the ones. The ones that makes you stop what you are doing and let out a little scream. A happy scream. And maybe that email even makes you do a little chair dance. Well, I got one of those back in early November from an editor at This Old House Magazine. She had come across my front porch makeover project and wanted to do a feature on it in the March issue. She wanted to know if I had 30 minutes to talk? Why, “yes I do”! And we did.
Remember this project? We had recently painted the exterior of our home white. Then we decided to add some color punch with the green doors. We used Modern Masters Front Door paint in Fortunate. Brooks also painted and stenciled the front porch with a stencil from Royal Design Studio.
We also updated the lighting, added new house numbers and painted the ceiling.
The editor loved my original photos but asked if we could re-shoot with a couple of minor changes including adding some live plants. So, I had my photographer, Geinger Hill come back over and re-shoot. She actually showed up with a full carload of green plants. We added the beautiful blue and white vintage chinoiserie pot with the tree and a small succulent to the vintage elephant stool. And, as a happy accident, our dog Darcy perfectly posed for this photo.
We are absolutely thrilled to have our project featured in the March 2015 issue of This Old House magazine. It’s a great encouragement to keep on creating, keep on publishing, and to keep on sharing through social media. Are you following us on social media? Click to find us on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, PINTEREST, HOUZZ
Here is a link to the This Old House article on line.
Photos by Geinger Hill.
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